1. Whenever you pick up a rifle to serve, theres one thing at the back of your mind; you are hoping for the best while expecting the worst. When troops record victory, you never tweet about it. Succesful raids/rescue missions etc, you call those who tweet them BMC. When soldiers
2. are KIA/MIA, you come to twitter to celebrate while tagging everyone you can in mockery. You are nothing but BISG; 'bokoharam Isis support group'. In war men will die, a lot of civilians dont know what it means for a soldier to assume his dead comrades job. Many don't
3. understand what it's like to be responsible for the lives of other humans. Many civilians are quarantined & complaining of boredom meanwhile men are out there losing sleep worrying about rifle fire & mortar explosion. The last thing on their minds is coronavirus or stocking
4. up. Some have lost lives & more will, you come on twitter to gloat. You are silent when men triumph but find your voices when theres tragedy, you are no different from the insurgents. You are worse than an animal.

Heading back to my underground, I ain't dying anytime soon.
You can follow @ChiefOjukwu.
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