Today, I educated my contacts on WhatsApp on Narcolepsy.

It is a chronic disorder in which the ability to regulate sleep-wake cycle is impaired.
...So whenever you think of being envious of people that can sleep easily with little or no efforts, remember there are extremes... it, like Narcolepsy.
Someone with narcolepsy exhibits Excessive Daytime Sleepiness(EDS)-a major symptom, despite having the same duration of night-sleep a healthy person has.

Narcolepsy becomes a source of concern when it interferes with work, school and other social
...activities. Imagine falling asleep while driving, eating or talking.

Other symptoms include;
-Cataplexy( episodes of muscle weakness)
- Sleep paralysis
- Vivid hallucinations at the beginning of end of sleep, etc.
What causes Narcolepsy?

In the hypothalamus of the brain, there are neurons that produce neurotransmitters called Hypocretin 1&2.
Hypocretin has excitatory effects which helps to stabilize wakefulness in the day, and sleep at night.
Basically, anything that causes reduction in Hypocretin levels would lead to Narcolepsy.

This could be through;
-An Autoimmune process in which the neurons that produce hypocretin are attacked.
-Brain injury that involves the hypothalamus and the neurons.
-Tumors to those areas
Narcolepsy can be diagnosed through:
-A Polysomnogram or Sleep study
- A Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT)

Some times, a lumbar puncture test can be done to check the level of Hypocretin in the CerebroSpinalFluid(CSF).
Presently, there's no cure for Narcolepsy, but hey, it doesn't usually worsen as the person ages. Symptoms can partially improve over time, but will not disappear completely,well, unless there's a miracle.

Taking medications and maintaining a good sleep hygiene are very helpful.
Drugs like Modanifil(a stimulant), antidepressants, and sodium oxybate are useful.

Good sleep hygiene?
- Take short naps.
-Maintain a regular sleep schedule.
-Avoid alcohol and caffeine before bed.
....Exercise daily as well!
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