Following #crackergate last week, I've decided to undertake a completely non-comprehensive and flagrantly non-objective taste test where I will rank 4 types of crackers
The crackers being tested today:

1. Triscuits.
These are quintessential crackers. Few people hate them but does anyone really *love* them?? Coming in endless variations, we'll be using "Cracked Pepper and Olive Oil" for today. Fave cracker of @carlyziter and probably others
2. Toppables.
The most criminally underrated cracker ever, and my fave cracker. I'm telling you now, these will win and I will eat an entire sleeve of these bad boys
3. Cream crackers.

Fave of @FunmiSoroye and @jetkerr. I've never had them before so expectation are low. If these crackers were people they look like they would be pretentious. Package says good until Jan 2021 so that's a plus.
4. Ritz.

Another classic cracker, fave of @0lufem. Threw out the box already. You know these crackers, they're timeless. But similar to Triscuits and Maroon 5, does anyone *really love* these crackers??!
Pairing these crackers today with a Greek salad, and a tube of Hungarian salami that was leftover from some Christmas basket.

I will try one cracker plain, and one with a slice of salami.

In between each style of cracker I will cleanse the palate with water and salad.
First up: Triscuits. Great flavor, the layers of whole grain wheat creat such a unique texture. Like if shreddies cereal grew up, left home, got a nice job, and became a dependable post lunch snack.
Excellent paired with the salami, but a little dry.
Arbitrarily giving it an 8/10
Next, Ritz.
Tbh I always think I will like Ritz more than I actually do. Perhaps it's nostalgia, but I remember them being much better in the glory days of my childhood.
Enjoyable cracker, but I would feel too terrible to eat an entire pack.

6/10, but +1 for this gif.
Cream crackers. Pretty hefty, ~double in mass &area to any other cracker here
HOLY HELL THEYRE DRY. These give Popeyes biscuits a run. Crumbs everywhere since I can't eat one whole, nor break it easily. Salami adds much needed moisture. No cracker should be this much effort
After the cream crackers fiasco, I'm very glad I saved Toppables for last. Very light &airy. Pretty sure they just solidify ambrosia to make these. Great fluffy texture, tastes great alone.
Salami turns it from a light snack to a meal! Complements the taste very well.

There we go! Unsurprisingly Toppables+Triscuits emerge as top 2 crackers. I'll stack them against wheat thins, Breton crackers, goldfish, &rainforest crisps next time

At least the cream crackers are good until 2021. When society collapses they may be useful as building materials
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