FG deserve props for handling the COVID-19 crisis. But in light of Orban's recent actions it's worth bringing up a very low point of Varadkar's term from 2018; a joint press event with the hard right autocrat on corporate tax sovereignty. His excuses remain dreadful reading... 1/
Poland's awful xenophobic and homophobic ruling PiS party are hugely deserving of condemnation but to date have not curtailed democracy anywhere near to the extent Orban has. 2/
Really odd whataboutism. Criticising Spain over their handling of Catalonia is up for debate but entirely fair game, and I haven't heard anyone from SF or otherwise suggest he shouldn't meet with the Spanish PM as a result. 3/
It is worth noting Comrade Brendan Howlin ☭ was probably the most high profile TD at the time calling for Leo Vardkar not to meet Donald Trump. 4/
I think Leo could be surprised how popular some autocratic regimes from these regions actually are among sections of the far left 5/
Choose Ireland's foreign policy:

a) joint platform with hard right autocrats on the basis of nationalist low corporate tax sovereignty
b) "splendid" isolation

pick one, I don't make the rules folks 6/
Bit of an odd angle for Leo Varadkar who showed far less capability than even Enda Kenny (who in fairness publicly pushed Trump on immigration as the Irish PM) to raise anything with Trump on his xenophobia or Pence on his homophobia when meeting with them. 7/
Leo did not criticise Orban about refugees in person, at least publicly, only later clarifying their disagreement after the fact. Not exactly heroic levels of bravery. 8/
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