For anyone who doesn’t believe the severity of this pandemic or thinks they are over exaggerating please understand at least this much. The amount of supplies in healthcare facilities across the country are running out. I work at an Oklahoma Veteran’s Center... (cont)
We are not even a state that has a staggering amount of cases and supplies are so bad here that I can’t even wear proper shoe covers because they only have the small ones, we are using homemade masks made from fabric, our ears are irritated, our resident’s are stir crazy. (Cont)
Things are not okay. At all. Please for the sake of the residents of nursing homes, veteran’s centers, and the elderly that live at their home, STAY HOME, WASH YOUR HANDS, and DONT endanger the lives of people around you because you aren’t “scared” or it’s not gonna affect me.
This effects every single one of us, whether it’s a friend that has gotten it, a family member, or a child. We are ALL in this together! #staystrong #StayHomeSaveLives #COVID19 #CoronavirusPandemic
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