. @VP @SecondLady, I used to believe in a Christain God. I was raised going to Church. I took my children to church. I conducted Bible studies. I led people to the Lord and baptism. I prayed my little southern heart out -- to no avail.
Thinking I must be doing something wrong since I can't seem to fall into God's grace, I set out on a journey to study the Bible, which I did for more than 7 years. Diligently. Obsessively. I studied and read everything I could find.
I discussed Jesus/God/Bible with scholars (I will not name drop). Guess what I learned? God doesn't do a thing for me, or for any of us. It is free will and the power lies within me (us) to find and give grace to self and to others.
It doesn't lie within the pages of a book written so long ago that very little of it can be translated into today's world. I learned that my narcissistic mother who hid and still hides behind God was nothing but a fraud. She speaks of God with her lips, but her actions do not
resemble anything Godly. Once I realized this my life changed and had nothing to do with God but just little ole' me who wasn't going to be satisfied until I sought and found the truth away from what I was taught to believe.
With that being said, I know the Biblical Jesus, and I can tell you that none of you (those running this country into the ground) who speak in his name have any idea who He is.
You think in terms of His birth and resurrection, while conveniently forgetting the "stuff" in between. The Biblical Jesus would not tolerate your lies, your deceit, and especially the mockery from your lips, in His name. Simply put, you hide behind him, in the hopes that he
will provide you eternal life and forgive you simply because you "believe" and for many "baptized" in his name. This is the "stuff" you missed in your learning, or probably choose to simply ignore, as most do.
Jesus would NEVER approve of what you are deliberately doing to Americans. If you truly believed in a loving and just God, there is no way you would stand at a podium and lie to our faces the way you all do. He would not tolerate if for a moment.
If you truly believed, you would know that what you are doing will not get you into heaven. You are a hypocrite. "But God despises evil people, and he will wipe them all from the earth, till they are forgotten". Psalms 34:16.
Now, I am sure you and many others might take that verse and assume it means to "everyone else" whom you choose to cherry-pick as unworthy, but I am betting my soul that he is speaking to the likes of you. Especially, YOU, because you are in a position of power where you
could do good but choose not to. I do not know yours or anyone's relationship with God, but I know he said to call out evil when it shows its face. So, unless you change course, I expect the God you believe is going to pass judgment on you for what you are doing to those
of us who are at your mercy. Walking away from Christianity freed me so unless you plan to walk away from your path, you might consider doing what you know to be right, instead of being guided by a fool.
"The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice". Proverbs 12:15
I do not pass judgment on anyone's belief or their journey unless they give me a reason. This is an expression of my belief and journey and calling out what I am seeing as people die.
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