Let's talk about 5G for those that think all the 5G related conversations are conspiracy based.

The facts are actually available but the MSM will cover them up from you so you can't find them.

It has been studied and confirmed that even 4G has harmful effects on humans.

Electromagnetic frequencies can emit harmful gamma Rays through high frequencies that pass through the body causing cell damage

These cells will emit toxins as they try to fight off the harmful radiation

500 studies concluded that EMFs are harmful: https://drive.google.com/a/fomohunt.org/file/d/19CbWmdGTnnW1iZ9pxlxq1ssAdYl3Eur3/view?usp=drivesdk

"EMF radiation has been linked to things like cancer, DNA damage, and infertility".

Some notable 5G rollouts that happened before 2020 were locations like Wuhan, Italy, Spain, and Iran. Also important to note that most of the western world has these installments.

Map of 5G rollouts:

Over 240 scientists are appealing to the United Nations to provide more protection from EMF waves.


By the way because 5G is a higher frequency it means the wave can penetrate through more objects or even humans, but cannot travel as far.

This is why they have to have 2-8 towers every other block to make sure distance is not an issue.

Getting closer = More damage.

Figured I'd add on that EMF resistant clothing is being made and can protect at least parts of your body from the harmful rays.

Website: https://emfclothing.com/en/ 
In part 2 of this thread I should have reworded this phrase to say "Electromagnetic frequencies can act like harmful gamma Rays through high frequencies that pass through the body causing cell damage".

These are NOT gamma Rays they are high frequency EMF waves.
Oh would you look at that.

A what appears to be burning down of a 5G tower. https://twitter.com/TruthRaiderHQ/status/1245974959576551425?s=19
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