Today I was speaking with aid agencies and African journalists about the preparedness of some developing nations for a #Covid-19 outbreak. They laid bare a grim reality.
The Central African Republic is one of the poorest and hungriest countries in the world. It has 3 ventilators available to help save the lives of those suffering from #COVID19.
70% of health centres in CAR are reliant on charities to even function. There is “absolutely no capacity” in terms of intensive care units outside of the capital - says @concern’s Country Director in the Central African Republic, Elise Ponson.
Somalia’s 700,000 displaced people have little or no access to water and rely on charities for health services. @trocaire says they are the only health provider in the region Gedo, which is about the size of Ireland.
Uganda has 0.1 ICU beds per 100,000 population. When compared with western countries it is a tiny number. Ireland has 5.2 ICU beds per 100,000 while the United States has 34.7.
Social distancing in Africa has been described as a “privilege few can afford”. “People have to get up and find where they are going to get enough money to have food today so they have to move around” says @paulfhealy.
Largely Zimbabweans have heeded the call to stay at home during their 21-day lockdown. But the country’s health system was deteriorating before the #COVID19Pandemic. It has around 20 ventilators for 16m ppl and there are worries over a shortage of testing kits + PPEs.
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