natal pluto aspects.

sun-pluto: understands the power of confidence and creativity. secret power is personality.
moon-pluto: understands the power of compassion and grace. secret power is intuition.
mercury-pluto: understands the power of the mind and communication. secret power is cleverness.
venus-pluto: understands the power of attraction and sensuality. secret power is charm.
mars-pluto: understands the power of strength and self-reliance. secret power is determination.
jupiter-pluto: understands the power of manifestation and attraction. secret power is optimism.
saturn-pluto: understands the power of disciple and self-mastery. secret power is strategy.
uranus-pluto: understands the power of individuality and nonconformity. secret power is chaos.
neptune-pluto: understands the poet of imagination and spirit. secret power is creativity.
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