The NYC Human Rights Commission complains about Samaritan's Purse filed on the basis of homophobic policies have not passed because the people.who submitted them were not directly affected as they were not in site. Please pass this along to anyone you know who is at Mount Sinai
So far, mine is only 1 of 5 I am aware of which is still considered under active investigation. It is a 3 prong complaint that also covered the racism & nationality & citizenship bias SP demonstrated in their clinical treatment of persons infected with Ebola in Liberia in 2014
This is distressing for a lot of reasons, because I expect I may hear my complaint does not cover a discriminatory action on NYC residents & cannot proceed. Under normal circumstances activists would go directly to the site to obtain more info. Absolutely wrong thing to do now
The best hope of getting this org placed under the investigation of the human rights commission is if they hear from Mount Sinai staff directly. This can be done safely and confidentially (not anonymously). Please have anyone interested in learning more about process DM me
Some people are upset that I am "trying to shut down" an emergency treatment center in the midst of the pandemic "because they're homophobic". Some people say we need to suck it up in the middle of the crisis. I want to make a couple things clear
My overarching concern is on the basis of information I have heard for 6 years about their questionable standards of medic care. This concern ranges from the way in which they vet their workers, the clinical standards of care & the religious propaganda they subject patients to
I am of course concerned about the statement of faith they require volunteers to sign. And yes, that should be enough to seriously investigate their medical ethics under the auspices of non discriminatory law in NYC. That is the problem that has garnered the most media attention
But my greater concern is their operational practices in the midst of a infectious disease epidemic failing to rise to the standard of competent medical care. I would not let my family be treated there. I would not wish this questionable level of care on your family either.
That is why I am doing this.

That doesn't lessen my concern about the documented homophobia. Don't get it twisted. But that is getting used as argumentative political leverage that only nourishes this organization's multi-million dollar fundraising efforts as a "persecuted" org
So I'm focusing squarely on the fact that this is medical charity that *does not cite competent medical care as its primary objective.* (Spreading the gospel is, in their own words)

That is a recipe for disaster. And it was.

NYC deserves better
Liberia deserved better.
That is why I am doing this.

I don't want us to look back and wonder why we all just left an ill-equipped, ill-trained bigoted organization set up shop in the middle of Central Park and put people in danger.

This predatory vulture organization needs to be held accountable.
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