what your favourite song off walls says about you: a thread
you are full of life. u try & make everything u do as upbeat as possible, to be distracted from things that sadden u. u always have a specific person on ur mind; u wish u were closer; they’re a key part of ur life, and not having them near hurts u more than anything
you’ve been through a lot, and you try you’re absolute best to not let it get to you. you’re the kind of person who looks for the silver linings in life, no matter how bad the situation may be. you try to keep your head held high even when you’ve never felt more down.
you are a very emotional person, but you’re a strong soul. when bad things happen, you stand your ground and allow the negatives to make you stronger instead of tear you down. you love everything and everyone with a passion, this makes you very admirable.
you are a very determined person & you’re proud of everything you’ve accomplished. you tend to hold on to past memories, afraid you’ll forget them one day. you fear losing people who are close to you, which makes you all the more determined to love with all your heart
you overthink things that should stay in the past. you beat yourself up over past mistakes; you always blame yourself for things when it’s not your fault. you’re trying to learn from your past but you can’t seem to let go of it; this prevents you from personal growth.
you’ve had trouble letting people in but you’re starting to open up a little more. this scares the shit out of you. you fear rejection & this prevents you from tackling things you’ve never done before/showing how you truly feel. you long for a stronger self-confidence.
you have a lot of regret. you constantly wish you could go back and re-do things; you let yourself get attached very easily but don’t let stuff go. you tend to dwell on things & this doesnt leave room for growth as a person. you need to know it’s okay to let go of the past
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