So, let's get some positivity going. What's the thing you've had to go without or reduce because of coronavirus, that you are surprised that you can apparently live WITHOUT.
For me, shockingly, it's been sports.

It's possible that I have underestimated the emotional scarring that happens daily watching my crappy teams lose. It's like a giant feeling of perpetual FAILURE has been removed from my life.
And, without games, it means it's been a month since I've been screamed at by Stephen A., or been forced to read some crusty sportswriter who is just hoping one day white players could rule the earth again.
Plus I haven't had to throw my lot in with some Trump-supporting, rapacious billionaire owner, or some star player who turns out to be a sexual predator, or raging homophobe, or racist Confederate, who I nonetheless want to "succeed in his profession" because he plays ball good.
So... yeah, who knew. Who knew HGTV was a suitable replacement for ESPN.

Obviously when this is all over, I'll be back to wasting vast stores of emotional energy, and likely taking days off my life, rooting for the New York Wilpons to not screw everything up again.
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