NHS staff working brand-new, tough rotas, willingly upending their leave and rest arrangements at zero notice to meet the demands of Covid on the NHS, are being told that their pay arrangements for this period will be sorted out "when this is all over".

Not good enough, sorry.
Many people in the NHS at all levels augment their basic salary with regular additional shifts and weekend theatre lists or clinics, covering the understaffed service. Those arrangements have halted, of course, but we're still doing extra hours, only now with unknown, delayed pay
We don't mind doing the extra, hard work, but waiting until some undefined future point when it'll be sufficiently "over" for pay to be retrospectively calculated doesn't help with this month's bills. My employer has managed to work something out; why can't all of them?
It's not a complaint about pay as such - it's a complaint about the way a few employers expect their staff to do extraordinary things for patients (which we'll willingly do!) while also expecting them to just wait for a large proportion of their pay for an unknown length of time.
We're lucky to have jobs at all right now, and I really feel that quite strongly when I see the terrible economic news. But we're giving our all to patients right now, and we don't need to be messed around with unnecessary uncertainty about pay. Please sort this, @NHSEmployers!
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