I'm probably gonna regret tweeting this if d*ctor Twitter finds it but I'm sorry if you follow procedures that tell you to save abled patients over disabled ones, rather than serving whoever comes through the door, you are not honoring your do no harm oath.
"But it's the hospitals rules!!!"

And it's still unethical, and wrong, and you should fight that system rather than using it as an excuse.
If anyone says the word triage in these comments to try and excuse their ableism (and really, it will extend to racism, transphobic, etc. as well) I may lose it
just linking this here cause it's a little more in-depth about my feelings on this subject https://twitter.com/mollyemakeup/status/1245812913539088386?s=19
Hey guys so since I've had to say it so many times: What's happening here is not doctors trying to save someone who has no chance of living. What's happening here is doctors deciding that a disability makes someone less likely to live, no matter the disability itself or
the way it affects their body. Policies have come out saying intellectually disabled people are not good treatment candidates. Or people with TBIs.and if you think it will stop there that's incredibly naive even you need to look into the everyday ableism we face a little
more. Doctors cannot instantly overcome their internalized bias just because there's a pandemic. They should not be in the position to choose that someone's disability makes their life less valuable.
And honestly in my opinion? If there is someone who has no chance of survival they should still be given hospice care, rather than being left to die painfully. And that's that.
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