scorpio moons, here yall go on the same fucking bullshit! you wanna cry and sit in your sorrows over your love life and be mad and upset, well, if you wanna see change you need to start acting right. you ask spirit to bring you something then youre scared to go to it! how are+
you gonna ask for a relationship and someone new to talk to then not take action when they come into your life? then youre crying and sad they walked away and they never “gave you a chance.” spirit has given you many of chances and you fail to take them! whats not clicking babe?+
if you want something, you have to act on it. you cant just sit it and wait for it to make the first move. youre so in your head and always sitting back scared but wanna talk and act like youre really bout shit. youre not about anything. all bark no bite. youre the problem. no+
one else is. if you want to actually form a connection like the one you cry about wanting at night, you’d actually make an effort in the relationship! youre holding your own self back! youre playing games miss girl. how you wanna play the field but run for cover everytime a ball+
is thrown at you? what you want will never come if you keep acting like this.
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