Live plus spoiler haha.
1. P mame said SS2 is 12+1 episodes
2. She has finished first draft of script, over 400 pages, still has to cut down and revised.
3. If #MewSuppasit ask for script, pls tell him he must go catch all the Pokemons possible first 😂😂
4. In the Series, Type is 26, Tharn is 25.
Fan: Why is Tharn younger?
P Mame: Because of what happened to Type when he was young, he stopped school for about half a year.

5. Type does his master straight after finish bachelor degree, reason, so he can stay in Bangkok with Tharn
6. Fan - Want TharnType to have kids.
Vi & Mame ; everyone, Type doesn't like kids. It's come up in book 3, that Type says he doesn't like kids, doesn't want to adopt one or have one.
But there is Ava who is P Thorn's daughter who will appear.
7. Originally, #MewGulf workshop was booked for today and tomorrow but due to Covid had to postponed it.
8. P Mame confirm noone dies in the Series. The story she mentioned about Type dying first at age 60, that was waht she told Mew, it's not part of the orginal storyline.
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