This is only for a very specific audience:

If you are a young person who is hearing that covid-19 is God's punishment for ANYTHING you are or are doing (masturbating, having sex, having an abortion, being trans, being queer), THEY ARE WRONG!!!
There are NO PUNISHMENTS for having sex.

There are NO PUNISHMENTS for having an abortion.

There are NO PUNISHMENTS for masturbating.

There are NO PUNISHMENTS for being trans or queer.
I'm no theologian, nor do I believe in God. But I have a lot of faithful friends AND I'm a parent, and I can tell you:

Giving other people a fatal disease is a really awful way to tell someone they shouldn't act a certain way, or that they're not whole and awesome.
But SAYING that a fatal disease is due to someone's behavior or identity is a really good way to foster fear and control over that person.
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