autism speaks endorses the torture of autistic children, autism speaks endorses the killing of autistic children, autism speaks is a hate group: a thread #RedInstead
torture: a$ endorses the judge rotenberg center, where autistic people are shocked by electrodes more powerful than police tazers, skin is burned, muscle is bruised and pinched for the most pain, and more. people die in this center.
tw: torture.
murder: in autism speak's film "autism every day," it features a woman talking about how she wanted to drive her autistic child off of the george washington state bridge. they sympathized with her. this was all said in front of the child. tw: murder.
"i am autism": a$'s infamous film, "i am autism" portrays autism as a monster that destroys families, causes bankruptcy, divorce, "robs you of your children" and is as worse than "aids, cancer and diabetes combined."
peta: a$ partnered with peta and claimed that dairy causes autism, because.... yes, that's why.
spending: they literally only spend 4% of their income on their actual services. need i say more?
if i tried to list everything they've done wrong i'd probably throw up.

remember to listen to autistic voices today. instead of blue, wear #RedInstead and use the rainbow/gold infinity symbol instead of the puzzle piece. ty for coming to my ted talk. nts encouraged to rt.
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