I have a bad habit of turning everything I love into work, but I feel I must really write something about Dectorists. Thinking a lot about masculinity and ideas of "the land" with this rewatch. https://twitter.com/Matt_Denny/status/1245119413591977990
A shifted connection to the landscape - not one of work but one of leisure. An impulse to mastery of the land thwarted by the land's refusal to yield either treasure or explanation, only incongruous detritus
[But also the blurring of leisure and work, leisure as a sort of labour]
Ultimately an embrace of this shifted relationship, priviliging play and community over work and mastery
I half remember a thing Robert Macfarlane wrote (in Mountains of the Mind?) about the conceptual difference between Nan Shepherd's writing and other imaginings of mountains
Where for others the mountain is all about the peak, Shepherd is about traversing the mountain - a move to horizontality rather than verticality
Except of course with Dectorists it's about depth not height
Oh the irony of opening this thread with "I turn everything I love into work" !!!
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