I love how we all joined together against Kavanaugh, other high-level rapists, and APOLOGISTS in support of the #MeToo movement but suddenly the same white feminists that we championed at one point are proving over and over again that they’re sell-outs and rape apologists. https://twitter.com/love_4nimals/status/1245482989338820610
I absolutely do not doubt ANY sexual assault allegation against ANY politician. If a politician I admire was accused of sexual assault, it is my responsibility to believe the accuser. I know how difficult that is and we’ve seen this unfold way too many times.
The same arguments Biden pundits/proxies/supporters are using against #TaraReade are the same arguments conservatives used against #DrFord.

Having Hillary Clinton tell me to “get over it” while also wasting time saying that nobody “likes Bernie” in her stupid documentary
makes me sick. I voted for her. I believed in her. I hoped for a future with her at one point. I was 18, and I wasn’t going to risk not voting for her in my first election. Now 4 years later, a political science degree later, I realize how SHIT she is.
The reason I highlight my degree is to point out that I will dedicate my life to this cause. I also studied journalism enough to critique the lack of reporting around this cause. I’m sickened, honestly.

All of my courses; political theory, feminist theory, have proven to me
that Hillary Clinton and white (liberal) feminists are on the same wavelength of misogyny. They rather protect a man that will do nothing for them, and step on women while they protect him. They will protect a man who championed pro-life values, and befriended segregationists
over Sanders. And why? Because they don’t like Sanders’ “tone”. They think he’s “delusional” despite the fact that while they say this, the company invests trillions in saving the economy to protect stocks. They say this while our own representatives invest in stocks amidst
an economic, health, and global crisis.

I hate it here.
Also I am so fucking sad about Elizabeth Warren’s silence on this. She was the first candidate I supported in this race. Once I saw that she centered on her policies, I went for Bernie. But I admired her, and I really saw a future with her as our president at one point. I feel
really disheartened.
EDIT: where it says company I meant country, kind of an ironic mistake.
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