Fun Georgia Fact:
We have a metric Costco shit ton of counties for the express purpose of...

Wait for it...


Really. They designed it that way during Reconstruction, and were not quiet about their intentions.
Until 1962, Georgia used the County Unit System in state elections, so it benefited rural white landowners to create more counties, and therefore more leverage against urban areas with larger Black populations.

One vote in Taliaferro Co was worth six in Atlanta.
It was changed, post-Reconstruction, to commemorate Stephen A. Douglas, a HUGE fan of slavery, and the dude who lost the presidency to Lincoln.
There has been bickering about this. A lot of folks holler like hit dogs when you bring this up, and will write whole counterargument with parenthetical source citations about how this could absolutely never be true.

Bitch please. I live here. They’d try it again today.
Aaaaand, we’re not the only ones.

The good people of Brooksville, FL, named their town for a slavery superfan Sen. Preston Brooks of SC, who beat the holy piss out of abolitionist colleague Charles Sumner of MA on the floor of the damn Senate.

I mean, BEAT him.
And let me tell you one more fact about the State of Georgia, where my bones will molder in the hard clay, which I love with my whole meaty heart:

The confederate shitheel graffiti defacing Stone Mountain wasn’t completed until 1972.

We had been to the moon by then.

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