White nationalist Matthew Heimbach claims he's left the movement & changed his views- but it’s BS, a sophisticated, if typical, attempt to repackage white-pride views to appeal to progressives. In our anti-establishment moment, we need to make sure ideas like his don't spread.
First, the anti-extremism org he’s now with, Light Upon Light, has been criticized as a shady and unaccountable outfit that maintains ties with far right groups, and doesn’t actually deradicalize people. More on that here- https://lightuponlightuponlight.home.blog/ .
Heimbach still sounds like the same old Nazbol/Third Positionist. He laments suffering of white folks under capitalism & calls for a movement w/other communities against exploitation. Sounds progressive at first- until you listen more carefully. https://twitter.com/AntiFashGordon/status/1245725146708619264?s=20
Heimbach comes from a white nationalist tradition which has long called for strategic alliances btwn separate racial groups, against common enemy of ‘Jewish capitalism’. Each volk maintains its own homeland, blood purity, racial pride- in his words “identity, dignity and culture”
“’Woke capital’ waging a war on social values”- he may as well say ‘Cultural Marxism’. This is not solidarity, it’s basic ‘culture war’ grievances against feminists, anti-racists, queer folks & everyone else he labels the ‘reactionary left’.
His position on the ‘Jewish Question’ remains the same. Marxists critique capitalism holistically. He falls back on same old tropes- 'capitalists 'know no homeland, culture or creed', etc. Antisemitism has long functioned for the radical right as a distorted, faux-anticapitalism.
White nationalists like him appeal to class reductionism, downplaying their extreme views & attempting to ally with progressives under veneer of common struggle. Don’t fall for it. For more on this toxic tendency, check out https://www.politicalresearch.org/1999/02/27/right-woos-left.
If you need to watch his dumb video, here you go-
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