Creatives who’ve lost your jobs: Think about it. Our society was built for services and experiences. Brands built on those services/experiences make money through volume. Concerts/Sporting arenas/Classrooms.
Therefore in an instant, every single strategic plan for each of those businesses/brands needs course correction to account for social distancing, the economic downturn, increased unemployment &what will be prolonged fear to return.
What hasn’t changed is that these brands had a customer base and that customer base will need to be engaged in a different way that considers their fears, evolving values & shift in behavior/increased time at home.
Some brands will not be able to support their overhead during this time &will go under. Others who can shift from what was to what is have a chance and that’s where you come in. Here’s an example.
Universities are now in the content delivery bus. Think lecture hall classes. 200/500 people 1professor. Breaking these classes up is not profitable those will shift online. But the real estate is a cost during downward pressure on class sizes where even 20 is too many right now.
The real estate now becomes a set to film high quality content that happens to be educational. Spending time building the functions that support content delivery are now strategic imperatives(MUST HAVES). Clear systems that facilitate registration, payment, advisement/enrollment
Factoring tools like laptops into tuition, thinking about production value, the website as both marketing/Point of sale, designing an experience that includes digital community &the unboxing experience are all things that need to be designed. Seeing students as customers is key
Now that everyone is learning at a distance. Customers can live anywhere and so can teaching talent so brand positioning, differentiation and recruitment will also need some attention to compete with MOOCS, free ivy courses & established edu players.
ALL OF THIS will need to be articulated through visual language by a creative strategist so they can see what you mean. Use the why behind what things look like to sell the #candy(eye). This is why they need you. #thinkhowtheythink to do what we do.
You can follow @DouglasQDavis.
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