black people (men especially) & trans women need to form an alliance to crush the amerikkkan imperialist heteroracist "state" immediately. we both can get killed on sight for being in public & both seen as inherent criminals (racist gang member thieves, rapist bathroom perverts)
the black & whatever our gay ass flag colors belt will rise again
we need abetter flag. like the dyke flag with an axe on it. give us a hammer & sickle but its an estrogen needle & uh sorry idk what black people would put on it & its the red/black flag but with black & uhh we need a new color that isnt gay
the dykes had the right idea just putting a fucking battle axe on it
im dead ass serious. we would destroy the amerikkkan pig regime, black/tran belt from the south to new england
throw an ar15 on for good measure (fuck the ak it hasnt been as good as the ar15 since like half way through vietnam & its way easier to get/get ammo for now) tran/black songun now
not to diminish tpoc just like. a full on militant alliance between all of us
this is phase ii btw. phase iii is internment camps & forced sterilization for white cissies. phase iv is artificial wombs & high tech agrarian communist utopia
cis lesbians allowed of course. we need reconciliation now.
terfs can be converted. im appointing myself head of the mkultra division and i place strong trust in the techniques developed by mkultra in jonestown & colonia dignidad. we can do this humanely. high dose daily dmt & mdma therapy for all
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