Dear bathtub Twitter: this is my tub in Japan. It is very deep and you can fill it to the top. If it overflows, the floor drain catches it. Why does every American tub have a killjoy drain 3/4 of the way up, so you can never properly immerse yourself? Is there some law in play?
I can buy a high-powered rifle in America with no ID, background check, or waiting, but the government won't trust me to fill a bathtub to the top. Is this justice? Is this freedom?
There's even an entire marketplace for making it possible to fill your stupid tub to the top because some jerk at the bathtub factory put a hole in it. Did we lose a war? Because I'm pretty sure Japan did, and yet they're laughing at us from their deep, smooth-walled tubs.
An infuriating aspect of visiting Japan as an American is seeing a world where many everyday things are slightly nicer—a doorbell on your hotel room door! A little paper shredder for your ATM receipt! Clean, free public toilets!—and then wondering forever why we can't have them
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