Aesthetics is Kegan 6

How do you ponder the dialectic between ideologies? Aesthetics

What is level 6 subject to? Creation

Level 6 doubles back to level one, which was a simply perceiving existence, and reclaims perception with the strength of wisdom
Wisdom traditions are *not* about teaching you facts, or even ideologies; they are about teaching you to *see rightly*, which vision is the illegible territory every ideology attempts to map

This is why they sound so confusing; you expect maps and they stare at the territory
Wisdom, in other words, is about aesthetics, knowing what is beautiful and what is not

You train this with attention—what you behold transforms you in its image. Reflected beauty becomes our own

This is what meditation is for; what scripture is for. Accept no substitutes
At Kegan 6 you are no longer subject to the conflict of ideologies; you have returned to the origin, to Kegan 1, and you simply view the world—but now you know people, communities, systems, ideological dialectics are all *part* of that world, and you observe them
What constrains you—what you are subject to—no longer lives in your own head exclusively. You are subject to Creation, both in the sense of the world and in the sense of the act of creating. You do not simply self-author, you co-author the world.
You do that through vision, through understanding the world, and then calling forth beauty from it. You Name the world like Adam; you see what could be and you encourage it out. You’re in the image of the seeing speaking acting creating God
Fear is the mind killer, the blinding force; it’s opposite for John the apostle is love, because love sees rightly and fully. Fear draws you into yourself, love draws you into the creation that governs you and which you govern
I only started to understand this once I’d written this thread; I realized that what I found beautiful and good lay behind everything else, and that it was central

This isn’t news; the first three chapters of Genesis SCREAM this at you.

Good to the eyes indeed
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