Income/Spending are completely linked.

Anyone telling you only income matters is lying to you.

Let me show you how 👇
Both have the same prospect of building wealth if they continue on that path. One just looks richer. 🤔

So, what that means for you, should be getting obvious now.
Your income may not be the highest.

That’s okay.

Work to raise it, while you work to lower your spending.

It’s a simple formula. ➕➕ = 💰
There is no wealth without spending control.

I teach you all the things I do that helped me control my spending.

AND enabled me to save 50%+ of my income monthly, the excess of which I invest. 
A lawyer makes $200k, and spends $180k on a Land Rover, big house on the outskirts, and trips.

A teacher makes $50k, and spends $30k living with a roommate, driving a car they bought right out of high school, and a yearly trip.

Both have $20k in excess they can save/invest.
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