My biggest criticism policy-wise, or better yet, strategy-wise of Biden is the fact that he prides himself on being "bipartisan" and "willing to work across the aisle." Bipartisanship is great in theory, but Biden has to realize something...
The Republican Party has almost always been the party of special interests. They don't care about the average person. Democrats are becoming increasingly like that too, but it doesn't have to be that way. Working with Republicans = standing up for corporate interests.
To many, this may sound divisive, but the only way to get good things done in this country is to rally the people behind the Dems and make sure Republicans never hold office again until they stand up for the people! Biden will not be able to rally the people behind him.
Harry Truman said in his speech to the 1948 Dem Convention that, "The Democratic Party is the people's party, and the Republican Party is the party of special interest, and they always have been, and they always will be!"
He's right about the GOP, but he'd be ashamed of the Dem establishment. I'll leave this thread with this fact of history: There was a 64 year period in the 20th century, when Democrats controlled the House for SIXTY of those years. It was when they were the party of the people!
We are living in a Republican world and it's time to get the heck out of it!!! #BernieOrBust2020
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