Continuing to fundraise for my monthly life extending chemo we are a week away from our deposit deadline this is absolutely critical I can no longer pay for treatment w/out help could you please donate?
PayPal [email protected]
Venmo @Robert-Gillespie-23
CashApp $MarcoDad
My chemo is very expensive ~$60,000 per month my out of pocket portion ranges from $5000-$12,000 each month I've spent my savings sold my home & even possessions but it's all gone I have to solicit donations from friends & strangers
Its exhausting & humiliating to essentially beg for your life day after day month after month especially when so sick but have to for my son I'm his only parent he needs me & I want every minute with him I can get
Please join my fight give me life & my son & I the priceless gift of more time together please donate now
PayPal [email protected]
Venmo @Robert-Gillespie-23
CashApp $MarcoDad
One week from our critical deposit deadline we must make our goal no margin for error really hoping to get a strong start would appreciate anyone sharing this thread & if you can please donate
You can follow @nffc65.
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