Day 22 of self isolation: This little dude paid a visit to my parents house last night and it made my morning infinitely brighter to wake up to pics of him so I’m sharing his sweet furry face with all of you 😍🥰
Day 26 of self isolation: My parents and the raccoon are now BFFs. He visits them daily and they feed him bread. They might be the only people to emerge from quarantine with a pet raccoon 😂😂😂
My mom: “He sits down on his butt and cleans himself after he eats. We’ve named him Rocky.” 😂
I was just on the phone with my dad and he had to “let me go so he could go feed and water the raccoon.” 😂🤦🏼‍♀️
Me to my mom on the phone: I just FaceTimed dad and he didn’t answer.
Mom: Oh, we’re watching the raccoon eat. 😂😂😂
Update on my parents’ raccoon: He now comes right up to their door 😍
My dad bought him chicken nuggets from McDonalds for dinner 😂😂😂
Rocky update: He’s definitely rocking the quarantine bod 😂 Here he is enjoying last night’s cuisine. I took him some turkey burgers yesterday so I am also contributing to his quarantine physique
Rocky is still visiting my parents nightly and eating us all out of house & home 😂 Our latest discovery is that he likes string cheese 🧀 He has truly been such a sweet little God wink during this quarantine. 🥰
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