Still powering through Gone With the Wind, it’s too bad to watch in one sitting so I do an hour a day. I’ve come to realize Southern belles are the original winemoms and Scarlett is an original Lean In type white feminist elite.
No matter what heinous thing happens on the screen to people....slavery...soldiers dying or becoming amputees or mentally regions...becoming decimated by causalties and economic always feels the most compelling problem is that of spoiled white woman
One of the most tragic moments so far is when the white women have fallen so far they have to do their own work and pick the cotton themselves. They no longer have ladylike hands. The slaves freed and remaining, the decimated white male population, poor whites get less focus
Wow this really is the original White feminist movie. This scene just came on and it’s exactly what white feminists expect their black feminist allies to behave like now lol. Same view of black men also, just having a privileged old time 😭
That quick scene is VERY deep. That psychology is still there
This is a great insight
Something else that makes this movie a perfect allegory for the Trump era is it highlights the same realities that motivate hashtag resistance White liberals...this fear someone has come along that’s going to treat them like they’ve traditionally allowed Blacks to be treated
A common theme that is coming up is that White men (carpetbaggers) are giving Black men privilege. And as a result Black men are getting uppity and are on the come up and also living it up and loading around. Mammy who is the sidekick of Scarlett is more attached to Scarlett...
...and her White household than she is to her own people. Her chastising the Black men on behalf of the White woman is only real interaction I’ve seen her do with Black people outside her own plantation not in her family
The main fear that animates Trump resistance-brains is this fear Trump is going to now treat everyone a n****r, not just the Black people. That’s pretty much the same fear that animates the attitude toward Carpetbaggers and rich southerners post-War in Gone with the Wind
Postwar, the tragedy in this scene for example is that White men are being treated like the slaves were...but when the slaves were being treated that way it was presented as natural and idyllic. It’s only bad when white men get reduced to it
A big recurring theme of this, like the resistance era, is that things that people took for granted happening to Black ppl will now happen to nonblack people (for example black kids have been put in cages and taken away from parents since slavery to CPS and foster care)...
...but the turnabout never leads the nonblacks to get more empathy for what it must have been like for the blacks who went through it. They stay self involved and just know that while it was natural and expected for Blacks to live like that it’s more tragic for nonblacks
It’s even explicitly said that indentured servitude and prison labor are harder for White people but that slavery was different because the blacks were happy and treated better than if on their own. Resistance libs still buy into that logic when they scaremonger for Trump...
...but refuse to ever promise specific Black agendas, just reversals of what Trump is doing to everyone *else*. Because it’s only for everyone else that treatment is anomalous and unnatural
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