Today marks 17 days since I've gone into isolation. It's also world autism awareness day, and rather than posting a message about my mood in social distancing, I thought I might like to share a few thoughts on how significant this day is.
#autismawarenessday #AutismAcceptance
As important as it is to create awareness about something that is apart of my life as is so many others, most of the time it just leads to scaremongering. That's dangerous, because that leads to misinformation about what Autism is.
#autismawarenessday #AutismAcceptance
Also, it's a little frustrating to focus so much on the Autism as a disability, that the Autistic people that live life everyday. Especially those that grow up. #autismawarenessday #AutismAcceptance
For those that might be confused by this, I'll put this in this analogy: There's this guitar expert that has received accolades on his research on being a guitarist. He's learned and has academic backing so he's bound to get more people to take his words seriously.
That comes at the expense of the those who play the guitar, and understand those good and bad intricacies in being a Guitarist (callouses, varying sounds for different songs). It's painful,but that's what it's like for the Autistic community. #autismawarenessday #AutismAcceptance
I can speak for myself that being Autistic never was my issue, people's perception tho... 😕

That has to change.
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