Next up in Track 2 we have an amazing group discussion from @F2FCongress to talk us through the major changes in F2F fundraising. #FundraisingEverywhere
The panel includes: Elsbeth de Ridder, Save the Children International - Roland Csaki, WWF International - Daniel McDonnell, UNICEF International Moderators: - Daryl Upsall, Daryl Upsall & Associates and Peter Steinmayer, FA Austria
F2F is one of the most important tools for funding monthly donors. There is no doubt that #COVID19 will affect this. This session will get international experts to talk about the key challenges this important fundraising stream will face.

Key impacts of #COVID19 on F2F programmes include:

☑ @UNICEF had the largest operations - 48 markets - all of them are now shut down over 8 weeks. 3 are back up & running (Japan, South Korea & Hong Kong).

☑same for @SavetheChildren who have closed all markets and re-opened South Korea at 60% of operations.
☑ @WWF have suspended most markets. Team numbers have been reduced significantly for still open markets. Europe is shut down.

Key trends in other channels? What changes are your orgs making?

☑Looking to minimise and mitigate risks
☑Increasing activity in DR:TV
☑Moving teams into telemarketing to retain staff
☑Assessing on a market-by-market basis

☑Global targets have increased for @UNICEF
☑Facebook has said they *cant* do COVID19 marketing...
☑Fantastic response from people on the ground so far, who are in need of supplies too and seeing them in action

☑ @WWF has confirmed that existing face to face donors are keeping their donations - on the short term, as an environmental organisation, they are not shifting their channels as much

What about donation holidays or downgrade campaigns?

☑Good use of F2F fundraiser staff in the meantime
☑Telemarketing is the closest operation, as well as stewardship calls, upgrades & downgrades
☑Be flexible. Everything is better than breaking up!

What else are your F2F doing during this downtime?

☑ @UNICEF have 4,000 F2F fundraisers. They've been focusing on engagement and upskilling, running training, sharing practice & stories from the fields, TED Talks & videos. Staying connected!

☑ Their teams have been doing advocacy in local communities too. WASH: water, access, sanitation & hygiene
☑ Virtual lunches and socials are a great way to keep them connected.
☑ Messages of thanks from CEOs & senior staff can keep spirits high

Engaging your F2F global management team is essential now too. Schedule your calls by time zone and create moments of overlap too.

@WWF at the beginning of the crisis deployed some of their fundraisers into schools for environmental education, but of course, this is now affected.

Does the panel think it be easier to recruit and retain F2F fundraisers post COVID? Or harder?

☑ Roland @WWF thinks that once it's over, crowd mentality will want in-person contact.
☑ It'll be a new recruitment game though...

☑ Daniel @UNICEF thinks that more people will be open to supporting charitable causes
☑ It's unlikely that we'll go back to 100% capacity straight away... it will take time

☑ Elsbeth of @SaveTheChildren says we're all in this crisis together - we need to think about retaining and looking after our fundraisers. Also need to think about how we work best with suppliers and agencies to look after them too

How is this affecting the external agencies, many of whom have been facing big challenges before COVID19?

☑ Important to keep the smaller suppliers in businesses. Retaining relationships and conversations to create solutions is the best way to innovate in times of crisis
☑ Calls from concerned agency owners from around the world is a worrying sign...
☑ Keep focused on the long term too, to ensure that relationships last beyond the crisis
☑ Convert as many as you can at the moment into other roles

☑ Daryl explains that some of the charities his agency works with have held on their paybacks/clawbacks, to provide enough cash flow for the agencies to continue working with their staff. This differs from markets to markets

Thank you panel for a really detailed and great session! @F2FCongress
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