I think the BigLaw cuts will get much worse and associates will get "Lathamed" like in '08.

BigLaw got very complacent in recent years and is suffering from immense bloat.

Because of '08 crisis + partner greed, the senior associate and junior partner ranks are light
Coronapocalypse could finally be the catalyst causing enormous disruption to the legal industry. You have a perfect combination of factors--retirement-age BigLaw rainmakers who are very talented but were greedy and didn't plan for succession + technology shifts + economic crisis.
Millenials are not great lawyers by current standards, and zoomers will be even worse lawyers. This is not exactly their fault; it's because the industry has not evolved but people have. This is another factor that will catalyze disruption of the legal industry.
I'll also clue you into a dirty secret--many BigLaw partners hire overpaid associates not with the idea that they'll be profitable for the firm but to groom them for in-house positions at lucrative clients, to make the relationship more sticky. Another bad factor.
Hard to predict where this will go, but now may be an especially good time for entrepreneurial lawyers to try new models, launch new practices or try to start new legaltech ventures. The future is approaching faster than we could've anticipated.
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