What Congress is doing right now is not "Phase Four" of some grand tactical initiative. It's a do-over for the bill they passed last week -- a bill that completely misjudged the nature and scope of this crisis.
But Congress isn't really doing much of anything. Mitch McConnell's Senate isn't even in session. Nancy Pelosi and House Democratic leaders are floating a bunch of longstanding pre-crisis party priorities.
The infrastructure press conference yesterday was about very small ideas -- warmed over budget asks from previous years, no clean energy investments. Small-bore stuff when a multi-trillion-dollar initiative is warranted. https://twitter.com/igorbobic/status/1245377691064381440
And as of right now, Mitch McConnell isn't planning to even bring the Senate -- which just passed a totally irresponsible bill 96-0 -- back to Washington for *three weeks.*
We have a political crisis on our hands. It's not just Donald Trump. Our leaders in both parties have forgotten how to govern. They don't have ideas and they don't know how to find them.
It looks horrible in the coronavirus crash, because it is, in fact, horrible. But this breakdown has been with us for years. Our government is not meeting this moment because it has been unable to meet *any* moment for a long time. The stakes just haven't been this high.
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