If you have #COVID19 related questions, I’ll be participating in a nationwide #AsktheGovernor Twitter Q&A today at 12 pm. Tap below or Tweet your question with #AskGovWhitmer. #AskGovWhitmer
The first step is contacting your health care provider to discuss your symptoms. If your health care provider decides it is necessary to test for COVID-19, they will take the sample and order testing. Visit http://www.michigan.gov/coronavirus  for more info. https://twitter.com/FatGuyLilCoat89/status/1245713981345615872
I am so glad to hear that! I’m deeply grateful to every person who is working tirelessly to do their job to the best of their abilities during this crisis. https://twitter.com/schnaity/status/1245706094669967361
The federal government is working on rules that will allow people to claim their benefits. We are committed to ensuring that everyone gets the benefits to which they are entitled, and working to get these benefits out the door as quickly as possible once they’re available. https://twitter.com/SharonRB/status/1245705422155235328
Hi Hannah — Executive Order 2020-17 does not prevent a licensed medical provider from performing an outpatient procedure if the provider determines that doing so is necessary to preserve the health and safety of the patient. Thinking of you. https://twitter.com/auntihannah/status/1245749801284702209
This is an important question. Under Executive Order 2020-07, labor qualifies as an exigent circumstance and both a partner and doula may accompany a laboring mother if they pass the health evaluation. We have FAQs like this posted on http://www.michigan.gov/coronavirus . https://twitter.com/CelesteRich96/status/1245728984350035968
Hi Annette — You cannot be evicted at this time for non-payment of rent. Homes provide essential protection against COVID-19, and because of that, I issued Executive Order 2020-19, which suspends enforcement of eviction orders during the COVID-19 crisis. https://twitter.com/Annette26141625/status/1245763789020114944
You can follow @GovWhitmer.
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