The main thing I have come to realise since then is that when I was picked on and bullied for being different, when I was in trouble at work because I was misunderstood, or when I hated myself because I wanted to be 'normal', none of that was my fault. (2/6)
The truth is, people are scared of difference.

Most people are told they should celebrate their differences and stand out, but when you are autistic you are taught you must fit into the mould and try and be like everyone else. (3/6)
When you are autistic, your differences aren't encouraged, but you are singled out because of them.

No one asks to be born different, but how you act towards other people is your choice. (4/6)
My hope from today is that people start to think more about the impact their actions have on others. Something as small as giving someone a funny look or calling someone a name can shatter someone's confidence. Instead, try to smile because they dare to be different.
The frustrating thing here is that everyone on the planet struggles with finding their place in the world and struggles, so why does everyone hide it?

I am hoping that one day we will live in a world where not just autistic people, but everyone is accepted for who they are (6/6)
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