I want you to think about how uncomfortable/anxious/useless you feel not being able to do the activities you normally do because of COVID-19. These activities may consist of your day to day normal routines, your valued activities, and your required activities - all restricted now
This feeling is called Occupational Deprivation and it doesn’t just occur because of a pandemic. This deprivation is common after/during illnesses, hospital stays, nursing home admissions, injuries, even in prisons.
OD affects you as a whole person: your mental health, emotional health, physical health, etc. The cool thing is that occupational therapists are not only trained to identify when this deprivation is occurring, but we are also trained problem solvers.
OTs are trained to evaluate your environment (which includes more than just tour physical environment) and are equipped with the skill of making modifications and adjustments to help their patients or clients thrive and complete the activities they normally do -
- even under their new circumstances, whether temporary or permanent. So that feeling you have been having every day since shut in mandates and self isolation, that feeling that stims from you not being able to do what you want to...
... THAT is what OTs help their patients/clients battle every day, and that is why occupational therapy is essential (global pandemic or not!)
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