Some thoughts today:

The education system just caved, there is no floor to hold it up.

This semester should be non-graded, non-tested, opt-in work. K-16.

Connecting with individual students and families is the only way to be. And planning with they want for “school.”

Just be.
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The “specials” are the classes that will get us through this. The arts, humanities, movement should be foundational in K-12 on the other side.

Don’t let anyone standardize them and sell us tests for them.

When we go “back” to school we can’t go back to our violent ways.
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Leaders need to be brave and tell all students and families that missing this semester isn’t going to hurt them. You’ll figure it out what student are a time if you need to. Step up.

Education will be different on the other side, now is the time to push be humane and just.
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