So last night I was on a zoom happy hour that got bombed by nazis who zeroed in on me (for some reason) and called me every nigger under the sun and told me to show my t*ts. So, yeah, I slept great last night. How about you?
I’m not sharing this to get anyone to feel sorry for me. I’m sharing it as a reminder that what we often dismiss as “just trolls” are often real people with real faces and voices. And votes.
And the rabid racism and bigotry that I too often hear ascribed to “boomers” is alive and well in the millenial generation and younger. These were not old men. All of them weren’t even men. I took screenshots. I won’t be tweeting them.
We do ourselves a disservice when we relegate things like racism and misogyny to “older generations” and tell ourselves that it will die out with them. Like those people didn’t raise children. It won’t die until we kill it.
If racism was going to die with the next generation, because children are pure and racism isn’t natural, slavery would have lasted just one generation.
But seriously, don’t feel sorry for me. When you’ve lived your whole life as a black woman and felt the weight of state-sponsored racism all over’s not what people call you that keeps you up at night... it’s the ideas behind it. Ideas you already knew all too well.
I wonder if white people think that because literally the worst thing you can do to them is call them “white,” calling a black person a “nigger” must have the same effect. Speaking only for myself... it just sounds pathetic TBH
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