I've covered national security for nearly 20 years since the 9/11 attacks - a period defined by counter-terrorism. But voices have argued the concept needs to be broadened- for instance seeing climate change as a security issue. But now global health security may become central
A priority will be spotting early if a govt is hiding an outbreak. This has implications for both intelligence gathering and analysis. There will also be concerns about health being over-securitised (something other fields like development have worried about in the past)
Traditional intelligence tools will be diverted to this but more important will be new fields of data analytics and AI. The CIA, amongst others, has been trying to use population level data to predict developments, as I looked at a few years ago - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-36462056
We are also rapidly seeing the impact of coronavirus on domestic security - surveillance and tracking tools are rapidly being rolled out to spot disease which could be repurposed for wider political and social control.
Much will depend on bigger geopolitical developments - will the current crisis lead to greater co-operation on the issue of global health security with more information sharing or will there be greater suspicion and closing of borders, heightening the need for intel gathering?
A pandemic has been classified as a Tier 1 national security threat to the UK - but has not received the resources from govt compared to other threats, nor the attention from society, including the media. A vast machine was built to deal with terrorism post 9/11. What now?
You can follow @gordoncorera.
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