Maya Forstater and David Mackareth's cases are basically the same. Someone thought their beliefs trumped someone else's human rights but they didn't.

Its weird one is automatically a religious nut but the other just has legitimate concerns, somehow?
theres that phrase again "incompatible with human dignity" in both of them. Its not just a scathing insult either, its actual legal speak.

The UK started dopting it from Europe at the start of the 2010s, as part of our ECHR agreements and the 1998 human rights act.
the example im given in researching this is in regards to wheelchair users. who have the legal and human right to be lifted in a dignified manner should they require it. so like... just dragging one around would be incompatible with human dignity and grounds for termination.
like wise it would be incompatible with human dignity to pick up someone with dwarfism if they didnt want you to. Or to make bumboy comments about gay people, islamophobic comments about muslims and racist things about black people. *cough boris johnson cough*.
because these things are done entirely to strip someone of their dignity. to humiliate them and make them feel bad for who or what they are. which is all bad enough on its own without me needing to even further justify it by mentioning mental health. but i will.
because when you're constantly degraded and stripped of your dignity for the mere act of existing it can and does mess with your mental health. which is why we often see a disproportionate number of marginalised people with mental health issues. which has further knock on effects
it might make us less confident, less out going, less likely to fight unfair treatment at work, less likely to go to work since they dont want us there anyway...

which partly informs why marginalised ppl have higher unemployment rates, or prefer to work from home.
which sadly only compounds the problem. part of changing people's minds and making them less likely to do things to humiliate us is to inform them about it. one of the more effective ways of doing that is having them exist around those people, and learn from them directly.
you force people out of the work space you make it less likely that people are going to ever understand their issues or why things you're doing are bad.

it creates the echo chamber and the problem just bounces around because theres no one there to challenge it.
so yeah. the whole dignity thing isnt just a scathing insult and amazing sound bite. i mean it is that yeah, but its more than that. its an extremely important declaration in support of the human rights of everyone not to be treated like shit for no reason.

fuck maya forstater.
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