that trope where they get blackout drunk and wake up the next day with rings on their fingers and a marriage certificate... yup... that's the shit...
i'm gonna elaborate on this because i love this trope. they've been close friends for years and their families think they're secretly dating but also keep trying to set them up on dates with different people in the off chance that they're not actually dating but the fact that-
they say no to the blind dates is pretty damning in their eyes and it just cements the belief that they're dating in secret but then one night in vegas they get so drunk and they head to the nearest chapel and get hitched and then post the pictures with the rings on facebook-
where all their old relatives can see so they wake up the next day with fifty missed calls and 200 texts and a headache that feels like someone is hammering their heads but on their way to get an annulment their phones ring and somehow they're in a conference call with all their-
parents and they prepare to tell the truth but the parents sound so happy and one of the moms says "i'm so damn happy that you two are finally out together and that you have found each other! oh [insert main character's name], i was always so worried about you being too lonely"-
so her child lies their face off and when the call is over the two newlyweds fight like "why did you have to lie?" "you heard how happy my mom was, i couldn't break her heart like that" "so what, we're gonna have to stay married for the rest of our life so your mom doesn't cry?"-
"let's keep this up for just a couple of months and then say that the pressure was too much and it all fell apart or something... just let our parents be happy for two months!" so the other agrees and they lay out ground rules but then in those two months the charade becomes-
slowly too comfortable and they're closer than ever and at this point in fanfictions the angst is so thick because they're both pining for each other without knowing that the other feels the same and their friends and families notice that something is wrong between them-
and they're not surprised when at the end of those two months the couple announces they're getting divorced and so they end the fake relationship lying to each other that their friendship is intact but they drift apart for a while until on of them gets their head out of their ass
and confesses their love for their friend/ex spouse and so they get together officially and they're so happy it's disgusting 😭😭😭 yes i got carried away but i just love this trope😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
flashforward to the epilogue when they get married for real 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
if anyone wants to take this thread and transform it into a full fledged stevebucky or samsteve or (even better) merthur fanfiction lemme know i want more fanfictions like this out there in the world
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