1/ Improper face mask use can be harmful.

How to wear a face mask properly, a thread
2/ Whether or not there is a consensus on the preventative effect of a face mask on COVID-19 transmission, face mask have become common place in public and many people use them inappropriately. As such, let me use a #harmreduction lens, to provide instructions on proper mask use.
3/ Why a harm reduction lens. A harm reduction lens acknowledges that people ARE wearing mask, people need honest, non-judgmental, information on the potential harms and benefits of mask wearing. I’ll do this in 3 sections: The Facts; The Masks; and Best Practices
4/ The Facts
1. Worn by someone infected, mask wearing can reduce the risk of transmission to uninfected persons.

2. Worn properly by someone not infected, mask wearing can reduce the risk of future infection.
3. However, improper use of a mask by someone uninfected may offset the any preventive effects of a masks and may actually increase risk of infection.
4. As such, if an uninfected person is unwilling/unable to wear a mask properly, it may be better not to wear a mask at all.
6/ The masks

We tend to hear about 3 types of masks (in order of effectiveness): 1) cloth masks; 2) disposable surgical masks; and 3) N95 masks.
7/ Although N95 masks are more effective than surgical masks, they are unnecessary for the public to use. Why? N95 masks are made to prevent infection in the highest risk situations, which are almost entirely confined to medical settings.
8/ Wearing an N95 mask in public is like wearing a #formula1 fire resistant suit & helmet for a drive to the grocery store. Sure, if you got in a severe accident, you have added protection, but they are made to save the lives of those traveling at 200+mph in a vehicle w/o airbags
9/ Best Practices

1. A mask is NOT A SUBSTITUTE for physical distancing. I can’t repeat this enough. A mask provides a physical barrier between your mouth/nose and outside world, but infection can still occur (just ask the doctors trained in proper mask wear and still infected)
2. Treat the mask like infectious material. Think of it like raw chicken. Wash anything and everything that your mask touches or anything you touch after touching the mask. Assume it has COVID-19 on it.

3. Before putting on mask: wash your hands.
4. Follow directions for wearing mask EXACTLY.

5. Put mask in place (videos below) and never touch it again until you take it off (remember, raw chicken)
6. Do not take off the mask in public, eg, put it around your neck. Would you put raw chicken around your neck?

7. When you come home, carefully remove mask and, if cloth, put it in a bag for washing or throw away safely disposable mask.
8. Cloth masks should be treated as infectious, washed thoroughly and dried before reuse. Disposable masks should not be reused.

Video on how to properly put on mask:
In conclusion, masks are not a substitute for social distancing, masks need to be used properly to prevent infection and improper use may mitigate the preventative effects of a mask, potentially even increasing risk of infection.
Finally, as a psychiatric epidemiologist, I welcome feedback from infectious disease epi folk and other experts on disease transmission. However, I’m not interested in debating whether we should be encouraging mask use because people are using them, we need to teach them how.
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