This is one of the biggest mindset shifts for me.

Many coaches and athletes think they have to get their butt kicked, be drenched, or be sore to have a great workout.

This just is not the case.

(A short thread...) https://twitter.com/craigmedwards/status/1245667691656032258
Should we get out of our comfort zones?
You bet. We have to if we want change.

Should we ruin tomorrow’s workout for the sake of today?
Seems pretty short sighted if we are trying to build our athletes up rather than HOPE they get enough recovery to function the next day.
Hope is not a strategy.

If we want to see results, daily investments over a long period of time is the name of the game.

This long game approach is called discipline. And the results will last.
- more buy-in
- better long term results
- decreased injury
- less soreness
- more speed / power production (RFD)
- and like Coach said... energizes all aspects of your life.
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