7/Then flows cherry picked incidents of violent reaction by Muslims, carefully curated from all parts of this 1.3billion strong country. And guess what! A fake news with a graphic image is sneaked in that a cop was beaten by a Muslim mob, but it was a Hindu mob actually! Phew!
8/ There would be as many and may be more incidents of people of other religions not cooperating, being irresponsible, being violent but only some of them will be highlighted to tell it is a conspiracy and ALL Muslims are party to this WAR. A jihad.
9/ sample this: a positive tested woman went to a satsung and police had to do 1500+ contract tracing but did you hear about it?
- Holi parties were thrown but can you imagine them being Eid parties and one of the guests testing positive and no religion is dragged into it?
10/A massive society in Noida was sealed because a man returned from Europe,went around playing Holi and tested positive eventually, did you hear about it?
-or as much on this lynching in Bihar and another incident where health workers were chased and attacked? No?You know why!
11/ here's a video of attack with chants of 'maaro maaro'
Good we didn't make it a communal issue because it is not, it is a LAW and ORDER issue. https://twitter.com/tanwer_m/status/1245019036267642880?s=19
12/I don't want to get into religious events of other religions,but u can find aplenty mentions by a simple search.
It's foolishness of highest order to find religion in a pandemic.I pray it doesn't,but if it plays out like Europe, all you'd be left with is like PILE of CORPSES.
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