Let me be legit and go on a rant for a second. I'm not really mean to anyone. I tend to be someone who looks at things from an objective standpoint. If I'm ever mean, I'm most likely doing it ironically, and to be honest, I don't think I do it that often.
I don't really get involved in drama and I have a hard time feeling the energy of people's relationships. Often I don't know who hates who, and it doesn't really matter to me to be honest.
I'm the kind of person to not really take a stance on either side of an argument, and I tend to provide analysis from an outside perspective. Not to say I dont share my opinion where its due, but I really take the time to understand a situation before quickly speaking on a matter
If there's a matter I don't fully understand or have all the facts for, I either research it more before speaking, or not speak at all. I sometimes speak on speculation, but I've been trying to decrease that. I'm not just saying this in regards to Twitter, but Discord as well.
Bare with me, I haven't had any sleep all night. I know this thread is all over the place, but for some reason, I felt it necessary to get this off my chest. Now I'll probably go to sleep (yes, I know, it's 6:36am).
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