Hi guys!! I just want to share something like so interesting for me!

BIG PAY account. Big Pay ni sama juga mcm card bank yang lain. You can topup kan duit and also pay anything u purchase from any online apps store.
But apa kelebihannya? Every RM10 you use to pay something using this BigPay, you will get +1 points for your Big Pay points.
Kenapa kita nak kumpul points? Haaa Makin banyak points kita ada, kita boleh redeem flights dekat AIR ASIA!!! Big Pay ni is one of Air Asia's ewallet. Even kalau u bayar guna Big Pay utk beli flight Air Asia pun u tak akan kena service charge!
Dulu I pernah add on makanan pun dapat discount kalau gun Big Pay!
You will not suffer anything using Big Pay. Now Alhamdulillah I already collected 911 pts after 1 year of using it! Which I can redeem a return flight if I collect sampai 1000 pts😬 Boleh la jimat nak travel!!
Pastu kalau nak shopping kat Shoppee, Lazada, Zalora semua. Guna je Card ni!

Lagi best u can shop at international stores without being worry about the foresign Exchange! They will tolak guna Current Exchange rate mcm dekat Google. Infact sometimes better rate!!
Dah tak pelu guna card bank lain sebab ada service charge. Big Pay Free je!Best gila! And also, kalau u travel overseas, tak cukup duit. You can use this Big Pay card dekat mana2 ATM Mastercard untuk withdraw duit dalam tu! Just topup pastu withdraw! Service fee pun RM10 je
one last thing!! Kita kan sllu malas nak bawak card .. kekadang card pun kat tempat lain. dkt tangan kita handphone je ada.. BigPay ni mmg life saver. They have our Card in the Apps tau!! Card Number, CVV and expire date. Tak perlu dah gelabah cari card. All in the app😭👍🏻
Kalau u masa travel malas nak keluar cash, you can use this card to pay . Without any seevice charge to the overseas 7Eleven ke apa, rate pun guna spot rate ! .. Very2 convenient!👍🏻
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