And this is genocide.
Yes. It's not the sending to GOP strongholds that is genocide. It's withholding it from areas that tend to support the other party, where there are higher concentrations of black and brown people, and greater risk.

That is genocide.
Warren had a plan for a massive investment in rural hospitals, in areas that would never ever vote for her. Her voters liked this.

Trump instinctively withholds live-saving medical supplies from cities, because they won't vote for him. His voters are fine with this.
And that's really the difference in our current political divide. One side recognizes that we are all connected in inextricable ways, and want what's good even for those who oppose that.

The other side would very much like to see death for their enemies.
3 years ago I wrote a long blog series called Bubbles, that included this passage:

"What the malignant spirit that has captured us wants is this: genocide and slavery. Literally."

I think that's never been more observable than it is right now.
Some humans haven't.

Some are starting the needed spiritual change, to understand that our "tribe" is everyone, and adjust our beliefs accordingly.

This is the nature of our present political divide. We should not seek ideological unity with tribalism.
Refusing ideological unity with tribalism is not tribalism.

The tribalists that we refuse idelogical unity with, we still include as part of the "tribe" of humanity. We seek a sustainable livable world for them as well.

To ideologically unify with tribalists would be tribalism.
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