Too many courses. Too many free applications. Information overload everywhere. Even the kids have far too many entertainment options at home. Mine retreat to outside for hours at a time when the sun is out. And this is in a house with no screen time rules. What's my point?
Please don't throw up an online course just because. Please understand the art that is in it, the dedication and time required to teaching around the course you have up. Understand your time investment too. Is this to hook a potential pool of new clients for post covid?
If so there are far better ways of building and engaging a community. I'm no expert but I promise you now you'll probably get more out of posting a live every day for a minute sharing your expertise than you will out of making that free course.
You'll also save your sanity and actually get content out. Not caught in the endless cycle of perfecting the course which defeats your purpose in the first place. Lives and videos your audience can quickly share and comment on. You're visible. Courses and closed communities not.
It might feel counter intuitive to give away knowledge but it's not. I can tell you that we get clients 6 months or a year down the line coming to us for help because they were then ready and really appreciated what we share in our blogs. We invest in quality content.
Because we know that's what you need a lot of the time to guide your thinking and then we're there for the niche or hard bits. Everybody wins. I know for a fact that maybe 1 out of 30 of my clients needs an online DPO course. I know that I could put one up over the weekend.
I know I could get a good group on. Why not? Because I know right now they're all too busy and stressed to actually absorb the content as they need to. This is not the time to embed yourself or your business in that way. Bite size free. Not unsustainable and overload free!
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